2023 NOW Encore Series

Building on the success of the NOW Conference, we have curated a series of post-conference career development workshops designed to ignite your potential. Presented by a diverse range of internal and external subject matter experts, these live, virtual workshops are tailored to foster deeper engagement and offer a more intimate learning environment. Each NOW Encore Series workshop has been recorded for broader viewing access.

Stadium with an active soccer game and large crowd. The word "BELIEVE" is written on top.

Leadership Lessons from Lasso

Thurs. 8/17/23, 11:30 am – 1 pm

Presenter: Kevin M. Reyes (he/him), Talent Development Manager, Human Resources, UC Merced

The little TV show that could—and did—shake up our perceptions of leadership. Whether it was blending the soccer pitch with trust and respect; baking biscuits with building relationships; or knowing who the happiest animal on the planet is and why that matters. Ted Lasso offers insight, strategies, guidance and yes, even coaching, all the while entertaining and engaging. This workshop will explore and identify how these streaming suggestions set the stage for successful engagement with our teams, build cohesion, improve outcomes, and unify our people under a vision they can ‘Believe’ in.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) discover strategies for improving communication, trust-building, and coaching regardless of role or level in an organization, 2) identify approaches for leading teams and maximizing strengths while improving relationships, 3) gain insight into what challenges us, peers, leaders, direct reports, and how regardless of discipline, department, division, or dramatization – we all face similar challenges with human interactions, and 4) understand why Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, and Team Richmond have gotten something going here.

A group of female colleagues collaborate on a project.

The Creative Process of Decision-Making in Teams

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Thurs. 9/7/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenters: Evelyn Thorne (she/her), Creative Discovery Coordinator & Advisor, Discovery HubArts + Design Initiative, Division of Undergraduate Education, and Pamela Rich (she/her), Organization Development Consultant, People & Organization Development, People & Culture

How do teams come to decisions? How do we make sure everyone’s ideas are heard? And that we choose the decision that best responds to the need? Can we be both thoughtful and focused in reaching a decision? During this workshop, we will apply lessons from the scientific study of the creative process to facilitating team decision-making. By centering creativity in decision-making, we promote more inclusive, energizing and sustainable solutions. Leaders of Berkeley Facilitator's Network will host this interactive session on re-imagining how decisions can be made on your team.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) learn an 8-step creative process for overcoming common challenges to collaboration, 2) discover the benefits of “group flow” and how to foster the 10 conditions necessary to create an environment that facilitates it, and 3) understand how to enhance the creativity of a group to facilitate generative discussion and inclusive team decision-making.  

This workshop is co-sponsored by Berkeley Facilitators Network (BFN).

A woman sits in her chair in the office with her arms stretched up and legs out, looking very carefree

Happier at Work: How to Tame Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism, and People Pleasing Tendencies

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Wed. 9/20/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenter: Ramona Harvey (she/her), Founder, Executive Coach, Ramona Harvey Coaching LLC

You put in the hard work, but constructive feedback or even praise can make you feel defensive. You set unrealistically high standards for yourself, and prefer to deliver work only when it’s flawless. You have a hard time setting boundaries around your work and might neglect your self-care.

These are signs of the 3 most common inner roadblocks to realizing your leadership potential: Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism, and People Pleasing (IPPs). In an effort to do well and grow our careers, we are vulnerable to our inner saboteurs, constantly at the edge of burnout. Negative mental patterns can undermine our leadership potential and even our well-being.

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to identify these 3 roadblocks and shift your perspective. You’ll walk away from this workshop feeling empowered with new self-awareness and effective tools to manage yourself mindfully.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) learn how to identify their Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism, and People Pleasing (IPPs) tendencies, 2) understand how their mindset affects their emotions and behaviors, 3) learn how to reframe their mindset in challenging situations, and 4) learn how to regulate their nervous system with self-compassion.

A little dog looks at the camera, dressed in a large gold tie, with an open book at his feet and reading glasses beside him.

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence – How to Do It and Why It’s More Important Than Your IQ and Personality

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Wed. 10/18/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenter: Alex Wallash, MA-ODL, ACC (he/him), Coach & Founder, Blue Goldfish

Compared to IQ and personality, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has been identified as the most influential predictor of career success and is strongly linked to effective leadership. This workshop will focus on the significance of EQ in career progression and provide practical practices to develop the four key skills of EQ: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The first two skills focus on personal competence, while the latter two skills emphasize social competence. 

In this session, attendees will take part in playful exercises designed to create a safe environment for practicing EQ. These practices can be carried forward beyond the workshop, allowing participants to continue their development of EQ skills.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) learn what EQ is, 2) understand why EQ is important for career progression and leadership, and 3) identify at least one practice in each of the four areas of EQ to continue to develop beyond the workshop.

Older colleagues with grey hair sit at a table together, smiling, one on his laptop and the other holding a mug of coffee.

The Next Chapter: Exploring Options and Opportunities in Late Career

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Wed. 10/25/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenters: Sigrid Mueller (she/her), Program Manager UC Berkeley Emeriti Academy and Cary Sweeney, MS (she/her/they), Director UC Berkeley Retirement Center

Employees in early and mid-career usually receive a lot of attention and resources about career development. For late-career employees this is not necessarily the case, especially when it involves questions beyond the basics of financial planning and health care -- such as finding purpose and meaningful engagement in retirement. This workshop serves late career staff curious to explore and envision their remaining time at Berkeley and their retirement years. Participants who complete this workshop should expect to gain more clarity about the last phase of their career and will have the opportunity to create individual strategies and plans for their transition into retirement. 

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) gain a deeper understanding of their values, strengths, and aspirations in the later stages of their careers to make informed decisions about their professional paths, 2) create a community among participants that will encourage the exchange of experiences, advice, and resources for mutual support and collaboration in the late career stage, and 3) discuss and address common concerns and challenges specific to the late career stage, such as dealing with ageism, navigating work dynamics, and adapting to technological advancements.

White mesh bag for shopping at the farmers market with an iPhone on top displaying the recycling symbol.

Become a Certified Campus Sustainability Advisor!

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Tues. 11/7/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenters: Britney Wu (she/her), Sameer Ameen (he/him), and Alina Halstenberg (she/her), Student Fellows, Office of Sustainability

Are you passionate about sustainability and looking for ways to increase your impact on campus? Join the Office of Sustainability and learn more about how UC Berkeley is championing sustainability on campus and how you can get involved. Learn how to connect with campus resources to reimagine a more sustainable workplace. Get an introduction to the recently-launched Sustainability Staff Training and Certification Program, a training series in the UC Learning Center that will certify you as a Certified Campus Sustainability Advisor. Whether you work on campus or remotely, you will leave this session with a better understanding of campus sustainability goals and the resources available to help foster a culture of sustainability and social justice in your workplaces. 

We will introduce you to various campus sustainability initiatives including zero waste, climate resiliency, environmental justice, sustainable food, and more. We will provide an overview of the major climate issues that drive UC Berkeley’s sustainability initiatives and current and future projects that the Office of Sustainability is working on to provide solutions to these larger problems. Staff can dive deeper into each topic after the session by getting certified as a peer-to-peer campus sustainability advisor, helping to continue to build a widespread culture of sustainability at Berkeley. We will provide attendees with actionable next steps, training materials, discussion questions, and professional development tips to become a sustainability advisor in their current job. 

We welcome UC Berkeley staff to come to connect with each other and our Office so together we can reimagine a more sustainable workplace.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) leverage campus resources effectively to cultivate a sustainable lifestyle, fostering a more sustainable environment at UC Berkeley, 2) contribute to UC Berkeley sustainability goals by serving as catalysts for the initiatives being implemented by the Office of Sustainability, inspiring sustainable efforts across the campus community, and 3) understand the steps to obtain certification as a Staff Sustainability Advisor through the Office of Sustainability Staff Training and Certification Program in the UC Learning Center.

Two colleagues sit at a desk, smiling, as they complete their Achieve Together meeting.

Leveraging Achieve Together for Your Next Role

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Wed. 11/29/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenter: Jan Crosbie-Taylor (she/her), Asst. Director, Foundational Skills Development, People & Organization Development, People & Culture

Is Berkeley’s Achieve Together your performance program? Then join this session to recharge your engagement in this performance program for Berkeley’s non-represented employees. Reconnect with the benefits of Achieve Together and learn how to leverage your Achieve Together Check-in conversations to plan, grow and advance your career. We’ll cover some nuts and bolts of Achieve Together to be sure you know how to most effectively engage with the Achieve Together performance program. We’ll also offer time to reflect and share ideas about how you might use the Achieve Together Check-in conversation to support your next career move. Take control of your career and own your growth through Achieve Together.  Supervisors and individual contributors will gain insight from this session. 

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) become familiar with the Achieve Together performance program and related resources (training, website, etc.), 2) get ideas about how to talk to their supervisor about helpful professional development activities, and 3) help supervisors to improve their performance as a leader and engage their employees.

A group of coworkers put their hands together to symbolize they are "all in."

Leveling Up: Leading Service Teams to Organizational Excellence

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Tues. 12/5/23, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Presenters: Robyn Doughty (she/her), Director, Data Quality & Management, University Development and Alumni Relations and Orsolya Nadasdi (she/her), PMP, Associate Director, Data Quality and Management University Development and Alumni Relations

The technological landscape has dramatically changed the way teams work together. Oftentimes, the service teams supporting the business have not kept up with organizational changes and demands. Updating skills, setting expectations, and shifting team culture in ways that make staff feel valued, respected, and safe can be tricky. This session focuses on how leaders can help team members “level up” in ways that lead to higher productivity, more professionalism, and better flexibility to meet future needs. This workshop will also focus on connecting teams that may be experiencing similar issues for discussion and problem-solving, helping teams and leaders see this is a common problem that is not insurmountable, and inviting everyone to reimagine a new future with tips, ideas, and resources that are shared.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will 1) leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of psychological safety and change management with ideas on practical application, 2) identify ways to hold people accountable while also respecting their ideas and work styles, and 3) create "toolboxes" for staff to help with problem-solving, increased skills, and other resources for success. 

Grow flower logo with a simple horizontal black line on either side