Dismissal / Terminations

Dismissal is the ultimate disciplinary action, normally used when other methods employed to correct performance or behavioral problems have not been successful. Dismissal is usually preceded by coaching, performance appraisal, and progressive disciplinary action. (See Chapter 22: Taking Disciplinary Action) Under circumstances of extreme misconduct, dismissal without prior warning may be warranted.

Before dismissing an employee, review the Seven Tests of Just Cause in Chapter 22, and consider alternatives such as other disciplinary action or transfer. Be sure that you have made sufficient effort (documented and undocumented) to help the employee correct the problem. If you find that dismissal is appropriate, don't engage in unnecessary delays, which may hurt the morale and productivity of other employees.

To consider dismissal during the probationary period, review Policy 61 from the Personnel Policies for Staff Members on UCOP. The policy states that employees serving a probationary period may be released at any time at the discretion of the University, and the employee must be notified of the release in writing.